A dental bridge is designed to last long. However, some factors can make your dental prosthetic become loose. This may involve general wear and tear, damage to the anchor teeth, and gum diseases. Detecting the early signs of a loos dental bridge will help you make inexpensive repairs and save your false tooth. Below are some of the signs.
Movements When You Bite or Touch
A bridge fits securely into the mouth like natural teeth. Hence, if you notice some movements when you touch it with your tongue or fingers, it may be time to see a dentist for repair. This prevents the bridge from becoming looser and falling out.
A loose bridge can cause discomfort, irritation, and infection. It can also affect your speech and bite. In this case, it is good to seek professional help as soon as you realize some movements.
Discomfort While Chewing
Pain while chewing is another sign of a loose dental bridge. If your dental prosthetic does not fit properly, you will likely experience discomfort. After some time, you will likely have sores or irritated gums. With this, you might face challenges like difficulty chewing, speaking, and biting.
It is normal to experience teeth sensitivity a few days after you get the dental bridge. However, if this begins at some point, it may indicate a loose dental bridge. When the bridge is not set correctly, it can rub against the gums or teeth, damaging the tooth enamel. After a while, your teeth may become sensitive to cold, hot, or sweet items.
A Bad Taste in the Mouth
A loose dental bridge creates a breeding place for bacteria build-up. When a bridge does not fit properly, it forms hard-to-clean spaces. This makes food build up in the spaces and decay, resulting in bad taste. It also contributes to bad breath. Contact us or schedule an appointment to repair the loos dental bridge.
Rho Family Dentistry, 2525 K Street, Suite 108 Sacramento, CA 95816 : (916) 562-2755 : rhofamilydentistry.com : 9/13/2024 : Related Phrases: dentist Sacramento CA :