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Managing Your Daily Stress Can Help Improve the Oral Health

Posted on 4/10/2023 by Rho Family Dentistry
Managing Your Daily Stress Can Help Improve the Oral HealthStress is never helpful. Some people say that they work best under stressful conditions of pressure but are blind to the side effects of this. Stress makes you sick in your bones and body and sometimes even your teeth. This manifests in so many small ways that are negligible but accumulatively have the potential to cause a lot more harm to your teeth and oral health in general. You should be able to calm your mind and avoid physical stress in order to avoid these situations that threaten your health.

How Does Stress Threaten Oral Health?

First of all, stress wears down the body and makes one weak. When you are weak physically, you are more prone to health complications that affect your teeth and gums. This is not helpful for a long time as it means you will end up losing teeth or enduring bleeding gums. There are other situations where stress leads individuals to grind their teeth wearing out their enamels or even having micro-cracks and fractured teeth. Stress also causes inflamed gums and could lead to shifting of teeth, gum pockets, headaches, and overall damage to the jawbone.

What Can One Do To Avoid Stress Threatening Their Oral Health?

You can involve yourself in meditation practices, yoga, or even physical exercise at the gym. This lowers your stress levels and helps you stay mindful. There are times when stress leads people away from the zeal to take care of themselves. This translates to having no time to brush your teeth or floss regularly.

It is important to ensure that your stress levels are way below so that you can secure your overall body health as well as that of your mouth. Visit our clinic today and learn more about the relationship between stress and oral health as well as how to stay on top of it.

Jeffrey J. Rho, DDS

Call Us (916) 562-2755
2525 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816-5114

Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8AM–5PM

Free Parking

Enter the 2nd floor FREE PATIENT PARKING ramp on K street between 25th and 26th street (across the street from St. Francis).
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