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How Long Does A Dental Crown Last?

Posted on 7/10/2023 by Rho Family Dentistry
How Long Does A Dental Crown Last?Do you have a worn-down or decayed tooth? If yes, a dental crown may be a good option. A dental crown fits over the tooth to cover various damages. A dentist can also suggest a crown after a dental implant or root canal treatment. While this prosthesis is made of long-lasting material, it does not last forever. The lifespan of many dental crowns is between 10-30 years, depending on oral care and maintenance. Other factors that determine the lifespan of a dental crown are:

Daily Oral Care and Habits

Bad habits are the leading cause of a damaged dental crown. For instance, neglecting daily flossing and brushing can lead to the build-up of plaque under the crown. Over time, more bacteria will accumulate at the edges of the crown, causing damage.

Bruxism is another habit that can affect the durability of your crown. Grinding your teeth puts a lot of pressure on the crown, increasing the risk of breakage. Luckily, a mouth guard can help to treat this condition to allow your dental crown to last longer.

Dental Visits

Regular dental visits also play a vital role in your crown's longevity. When you schedule a dental appointment, a professional will use the necessary tools to clean your teeth, hence, preventing infections that could put your teeth and crown in danger. In this case, having an oral care regimen of regular brushing and dental visits can extend the lifespan of your crown.

Quality of the Crown

The construction of your crown matters when it comes to durability. For instance, a poorly constructed crown may not match the shape of your natural teeth, leading to a bad bite. When you have a misaligned bite, your teeth will likely rub against each other, causing the wearing down of the dental crown. To prevent this, you need to consider a skilled dentist. Contact us, and our dentists will determine the type of dental crown that suits you.

Jeffrey J. Rho, DDS

Call Us (916) 562-2755
2525 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816-5114

Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8AM–5PM

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Enter the 2nd floor FREE PATIENT PARKING ramp on K street between 25th and 26th street (across the street from St. Francis).
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