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Is Stress Management the Way to Avoid Clenching Your Teeth?

Posted on 11/15/2019 by Rho Family Dentistry
Is Stress Management the Way to Avoid Clenching Your Teeth?You have probably heard that you need to deal with stress in healthy ways, and it is very true. Stress can lead to many bodily problems as well as dental problems when not taken care of properly.

The biggest dental problem that stems from being over stressed is bruxism. Bruxism is more commonly referred to as grinding your teeth. Grinding your teeth can occur during the day or at night, and during the night time it can be difficult to stop.

Stress management is a good idea if you are constantly grinding your teeth. If it is not stopped, grinding your teeth can become a serious health problem and cause damage to your jaw muscles and premature wear on your teeth. Some of the problems that stem from grinding your teeth may not be easily reversible, so it is important to control it now rather than later on.

Stress Management Tips

When you suffer from daytime teeth grinding, it is possible to take a few steps to avoid grinding your teeth during the day and night. First, always be vigilant of what your mouth is doing. Sometimes it is easy to ignore what your mouth is doing if you are busy, but by constantly keeping track of it, you can tell yourself to stop clenching your teeth.

Take the time to not only tell yourself to stop, but also the time to figure out why you were. Sometimes identifying the stress that is causing you to clench can help you from doing it. The next step is to have a stress ball nearby. Stress balls can help you release some built-up tension in other ways than clenching your teeth and may help to prevent you from continuing clenching.

Sometimes taking the time to destress during the day will help you to not clench your teeth at night. However, sometimes it is possible to successfully manage stress during the day and deal with it while you are asleep. We recommend coming in for a visit to our office if you continue to struggle with clenching your teeth at night. We will be able to provide assistance to stop it, and may be able to prescribe you a customized mouth guard to protect your teeth while sleeping.

Jeffrey J. Rho, DDS

Call Us (916) 562-2755
2525 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816-5114

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Monday-Thursday: 8AM–5PM

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