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If You Do Not Remove Your Wisdom Teeth, Can They Be Alright?

Posted on 2/29/2020 by Rho Family Dentistry
If You Do Not Remove Your Wisdom Teeth, Can They Be Alright?Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that adults develop between the ages of 17 and 25 in most instances. These teeth cause all sorts of trouble in most adult mouths, but there are some instances when wisdom teeth can be left right where they are without any issues at all. Below we'll look at when wisdom teeth are completely healthy and when it's time to have them removed from your mouth.

How to Identify When You Can Keep Your Wisdom Teeth

Healthy wisdom teeth are fully erupted, they bite naturally, and they don't crowd your mouth in any way. Wisdom teeth that aren't out of your gums completely, have grown in at a weird angle or are crowding your mouth too much can lead to major complications that you'll want to do your best to avoid.

If you aren't sure about whether your wisdom teeth are problematic or not it's best to talk with a dentist about your teeth and to look at some x-rays of the teeth as well to get the most conclusive answer. If your dentist says that your wisdom teeth aren't causing any problems, and you aren't having issues with pain or anything else, you can feel comfortable keeping your wisdom teeth right there in the back of your mouth.

Even though most adults have their wisdom teeth removed, there's no guarantee that you'll have to do the same. As long as you your wisdom teeth are grown in properly and you're not experiencing any pain from them you're probably fine to keep them in. If you have any questions about your wisdom teeth or other dental concerns, we would have to hear from you at our office. Come in and talk with us today or give one of our professionals a call for help.

Jeffrey J. Rho, DDS

Call Us (916) 562-2755
2525 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816-5114

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Monday-Thursday: 8AM–5PM

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