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Dangers You Expose Yourself To If You Chew on Ice

Posted on 6/21/2021 by Rho Family Dentistry
Dangers You Expose Yourself To If You Chew on IceAt the end of your cool beverage, you have probably had an ice cube or two make their way into your mouth. At this point you have a choice. Are you going to suck on the ice, or chew it? For some, it can be hard to resist crunching that ice cube. This may not seem like a big issue, but we want you to be aware of the dangers you expose yourself to if you chew on ice.

Ice Chewing is Bad For You

Chewing on ice cubes can cause damage in your mouth. It is not uncommon for patients to come in with cracked teeth and then tell us that they chew ice. Some of these dental cracks are just hairline cracks, but if the patient has a more pronounced dental crack, we will need to take action. Other times we see patients who have chewed ice develop chipped teeth. Chewing on ice can damage tooth enamel. On occasion, we see patients develop jaw problems as a result of chewing on ice. This makes sense as the muscles fatigue and cause issues with the joint.

It is also dangerous to chew ice if you have existing dental work in your mouth. For instance, a filling can be easily damaged when you choose to chew ice. Crowns are at risk for damage as well. It is best to avoid chewing on ice for the sake of your dental work.

Let us Take a Look

It is possible that your habit of chewing on ice is causing some dental issues. It is important to keep your routine cleanings and checkups on your schedule so we can identify these issues and take care of them immediately. Come see us if you suspect chewing ice has caused dental complications in your mouth.

Jeffrey J. Rho, DDS

Call Us (916) 562-2755
2525 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816-5114

Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8AM–5PM

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Enter the 2nd floor FREE PATIENT PARKING ramp on K street between 25th and 26th street (across the street from St. Francis).
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