Your friend just said, “I'm getting a migraine.” If you're like most other people, you don't immediately think that the cause of your friend's migraine could be related to a toothache. Your first thought is likely to get your friend reclining in a dark room with a hot or cold compress, and maybe even a caffeinated beverage. When someone is afflicted by a migraine the pain is often described as a throbbing headache that typically affects one side of the head. It is not uncommon for the victim to have nausea and disturbed vision. Migraines usually produce symptoms that are far more intense than a regular headache.
Causes and Triggers of Migraines
Researchers are still trying to figure out what triggers a migraine headache. Hormonal changes are possible cause. Times of intense emotion, such as stress and anxiety, could trigger migraine headache. Some say dietary factors play a role in causing migraines. They could also be caused by medications, environmental factors, or a combination of triggers. Another reason a migraine may develop is a tooth issue. Some headaches and toothaches can find their origin in the trigeminal nerve. This nerve is responsible for providing sensation to your face. It also provides sensation to your teeth and gums. When you have a toothache this nerve can get irritated and trigger a migraine. If the toothache is not addressed, the list of symptoms gets longer. Jaw problems can also trigger toothaches and headaches. This includes jaw problems that start from a misalignment of your teeth as well as structural issues with your jaw joint.
Come See Us
If you suspect your migraines may be related to a dental issue or are curious if there could be a connection, we would love to talk through this with you. Give us a call so we can set up an appointment to check all facets of your oral health.
Rho Family Dentistry, 2525 K Street, Suite 108 Sacramento, CA 95816 \ (916) 562-2755 \ \ 2/15/2025 \ Related Phrases: dentist Sacramento CA \