Most Teeth Are Not Sensitive to Sugar, So Why Are Yours?
Posted on 9/6/2021 by Rho Family Dentistry
Your teeth can become extremely sensitive if food or drink comes in contact with your root surface. You may feel a sharp pain on a specific tooth, or you may feel a dull ache in a region of your mouth. Regardless of how the sensitivity feels, it is most likely due to an exposed root. It can be frustrating if a food you love causes you such discomfort. If you are experiencing sensitivity to sugary foods, we have some ideas for you.
You May Have to Give up Sweets to Overcome Sensitivities
You may have a sensitivity to sugar as a result of overbrushing. Good oral hygiene is important, but make sure you are carefully brushing around the gumline as to not remove gum tissue. Use a soft bristled toothbrush and make gentle sweeps with your toothbrush around your gums.
Your sugar sensitivity may be a sigh that you are losing the enamel from your teeth and your roots are now exposed. Your enamel, the outer layer of your tooth, can erode due to poor diet and the advance of cavities in your teeth. It may be that you have had too many acidic foods that have damaged your enamel, or your sensitivity may be from eating too much sugary food. Not only can sugary food cause sensitivities, it could also be the source of your problem.
Get Your Teeth Checked Soon
Regardless of the cause, it is time to get your teeth professionally cleaned and examined if you have sensitivities to any foods. We can help determine the location of your sensitivity, as well as provide treatment so you can feel better in the future. Having a sensitivity to sugar is quite common and we want to help you overcome it.
Rho Family Dentistry, 2525 K Street, Suite 108 Sacramento, CA 95816 ^ (916) 562-2755 ^ ^ 2/15/2025 ^ Page Keywords: dentist Sacramento CA ^