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Do I need to fight sugar cravings?

Posted on 3/21/2022 by Rho Family Dentistry
Sugar is a substance to which the majority of people are hooked and addicted. We should make a concerted effort to avoid sugar. If you've ever had dental discomfort, you'll do all you can to avoid sweets. Sugar addiction may lead to major dental issues such as tooth decay, cavities, and even tooth loss.

Who can get sugar addiction

Those who become addicted to one type of substance are more likely than the general population to become hooked to another. For example, people who have an alcohol problem are more likely than the general public to become addicted to prescription pain medication. Sugar has the same effect on neural circuits as drugs, when you overindulge in one thing this can lead you to overindulge in sugary things like sweets. Sugar is addictive and this is just like getting addicted to alcohol and this acts as a stimulant. Always ensure that you avoid sugar to keep your teeth healthy. If you have had tooth pain or some kind of sensitivity, then you know that sugar is not good for your teeth. Getting addicted to sugar will make you get more dental and health issues, it can lead to tooth decay, cavities and can even lead to loss of teeth.

Sugar contents

Sugar has the potential to be addictive since it contains opioids and dopamine in the brain. The release of dopamine into the brain is increased when you consume sugar. The release of sugar raises serotonin levels; serotonin is a neurotransmitter that produces endorphins. Sugar is very addicting because it makes us feel as though we require more. This is because it is taken into the bloodstream as glucose, and sugar consumption stimulates the production of insulin, which regulates glucose levels. Our dental team can teach you how to deal with sugar addiction.

Jeffrey J. Rho, DDS

Call Us (916) 562-2755
2525 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816-5114

Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8AM–5PM

Free Parking

Enter the 2nd floor FREE PATIENT PARKING ramp on K street between 25th and 26th street (across the street from St. Francis).
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