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Periodontal Health
Periodontal Disease Diagram

One of the best ways to keep your gums from bleeding when you come in for a cleaning is to floss regularly. Whether you floss before or after brushing is less important, so long you floss!

Of course, impressing us with gums that don't bleed isn't really the point. Bleeding can indicate a need for improved gum maintenance and oral health habits.

Regular Periodontal Checkups Save Lives

Have you been diagnosed with periodontal disease? In addition to your regular dental checkups, it is a good idea for you to also have a yearly periodontal check-up. Once periodontal disease has progressed, it is often a matter of regular maintenance visits to help keep the disease in check.

Annual exams should include periodontal charting and comprehensive x-rays to monitor any bone loss that might have occurred. If you aren't sure whether you have gum disease, schedule your check-up today and let us evaluate your gum and bone health.

Jeffrey J. Rho, DDS

Call Us (916) 562-2755
2525 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816-5114

Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8AM–5PM

Free Parking

Enter the 2nd floor FREE PATIENT PARKING ramp on K street between 25th and 26th street (across the street from St. Francis).
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Periodontal Health | Rho Family Dentistry | Sacramento, CA
At Rho Family Dentistry understands annual exams should include periodontal charting and comprehensive x-rays to monitor any bone loss that might have occurred.
Rho Family Dentistry, 2525 K Street, Suite 108 Sacramento, CA 95816 - (916) 562-2755 - rhofamilydentistry.com - 1/26/2025 - Page Phrases: dentist Sacramento CA -