Dental Crowns Sacramento CA While your teeth are only a small part of your mouth, they are an integral component, performing a wide variety of essential daily tasks. The teeth enable you to bite, chew, and speak. They aid in maintaining the health of your jawbone. They are also important for providing you with a beautiful, confident smile. The teeth are the strongest substance in your body, even harder than your bones. However, they are not invincible. The teeth can suffer decay and damage that can compromise their integrity, your oral health, and your appearance. At Rho Family Dentistry, we can restore damaged teeth with dental crowns.
What are Dental Crowns? Dental crowns are restorations designed to cover the entire visible portion of your damaged teeth, essentially acting as a cap. They are designed to provide strength and protection for your damaged or otherwise compromised teeth. Crowns can be made from several different materials. Ceramic is the most popular material. This is because ceramic can be made to perfectly match the color of your natural teeth. It also reflects light just like your natural tooth enamel does. Once the crowns are in place, there is no way to tell the difference between them and your natural teeth.
Uses for Dental Crowns Dental crowns can be used to correct a variety of different issues, including:
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Cracks or chips that have gone past the enamel and affected the inner layers of the teeth.
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You have teeth that are unusually smaller than the rest, which can leave gaps between them.
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Your teeth are misshapen.
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Your teeth have undergone endodontic treatment, more commonly known as a root canal. |
Dental Crowns with CEREC Typically, when you get a dental crown, it takes two separate appointments to place. This is because the crowns are made in a separate dental lab. It can take up to two weeks for your crowns to be completed. While you wait, temporary crowns are placed. Not only does a second appointment take time out of your busy schedule, but the temporary crowns also are not as strong as your final crowns.
We provide you with crowns in a single appointment using CEREC technology. CEREC, which stands for Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic, allows us to design and create your permanent crowns in just one visit. We begin the process by preparing, or trimming, the affected teeth. This is the process, done under local anesthetic, of removing a small amount of enamel from the teeth, reducing them in size. By removing enamel, we create the space necessary for your crowns to fit in naturally, and comfortably, in your mouth.
After the teeth have been prepared, we take digital impressions of your mouth. The impressions are displayed on our computer monitor, giving us exact one to one measurements. Using specialized software, we are then able to design custom crowns just for you. After the crowns have been designed, the information is sent to our in-house milling machine. We place a piece of ceramic that matches the color of your natural teeth inside the machine, and the crown is milled. Once it is finished, which check it for fit and comfort, and then cement them into place.
Benefits of Dental Crowns Crowns offer several benefits, including:
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Strengthening weakened teeth.
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Protecting damaged teeth from further harm.
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Preventing bacterial invasion and infections.
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Restoring the appearance of your smile, and your confidence. |
Dental crowns can restore the strength, the integrity, the functions, and the aesthetics of your teeth, restoring your oral health, your quality of life, and your confidence. Call Rho Family Dentistry today for more information and to schedule your appointment at (916) 562-2755. |