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Dental Implants vs Dentures
Sacramento, CA

Women with dental implants and dentures smiling at Rho Family Dentistry in Sacramento, CAYour dentures can feel natural. We provide treatment options to provide firm stability to your partial or full denture prosthetic that can dramatically increase its comfort and function. Implant stabilized dentures provide a restoration that far exceeds traditional methods. At Rho Family Dentistry, we can discuss the many benefits of having your denture secured using implants with options that allow for either removable or permanent hold of your denture device. We invite you to learn more about how implant retained dentures can impact your dental health, your self confidence, and your overall well being.

Missing teeth is frustrating. It can cause multiple negative effects from what you eat, to how you look, and even impact other systems in your mouth. Whether you are missing some teeth, or all of your teeth, we can help.

Using a device known as a dental implant, we can reestablish a direct connection to the jawbone and embed a firm post which will then serve as an anchor to attach a dental prosthetic. The number of implants needed will be dependent on the work being performed. The dental implant resembles a screw in size and shape, with a threaded end designed to sink into the bone and capture a lot of surface area. The top of the implant is a head that can be customized to work with various prosthetic devices including a dental crown, bridge, partial or full denture. Dental implants are most commonly made from medical grade titanium, but there are ceramic options available for patients with metal sensitivities or if there is concern of the metal being visible.

Implant retained dentures come with options. We can review your options and discuss the benefits based on your health and other factors. Options include:
•  Full Arch Dental Bridge: Known as the All-on-4® Treatment Concept. This system is a non-removable option. It works by placing at least four, sometimes six, dental implants on one arch and then permanently securing a denture to the implants. The treatment is very similar to a dental bridge in design. We establish anchors and then secure the device in place. Treatment is completed in one office visit after creating a plan. The implants used in this treatment are longer and placed at an angle to capture thicker bone. A huge advantage of this treatment is that patients generally do not need a bone graft prior to surgical placement. A disadvantage is that the denture is not removable for cleaning which may be problematic for patients with health issues.
•  Bar Implant Retained Overdenture: An overdenture system allows the patient the freedom of having their denture firmly secured, when they choose, with the option to remove as needed. This system begins with dental implants that a bar is then attached to. The denture can be hooked on and off of the bar attachment.
•  Ball Implant Retained Overdenture: This overdenture works similarly to the bar retention, but instead of a bar, the implants have a system that allows for a snap on and off option. The denture can be snapped into place, or removed as needed.

At Rho Family Dentistry we are here to help with your tooth restoration needs. Contact us today and find out if dentures, bridges, or dental implants are the best option for you.
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Dental Implants vs Dentures - Dentist Sacramento, CA - Rho Family Dentistry
At Rho Family Dentistry, we can discuss the many benefits of having your denture secured using implants with options that allow for either removable or permanent hold. Call today!
Rho Family Dentistry, 2525 K Street, Suite 108 Sacramento, CA 95816; (916) 562-2755; rhofamilydentistry.com; 2/25/2025; Related Phrases: dentist Sacramento CA;